My Two Sweethearts!
Since I never post anything, I thought I would try. Computers are not really easy for me. As much as I would love to figure them out and learn about them, I just don't have the time, nor will I remember what ever it was I did to do what I did. Maybe someday when the world slows down, I can take a class. When does it slow down? When both kids are in school full time? I just have Tyler in school full time now and Hannah goes to preschool on Tues and Thurs and I work full time and so does Brian. I feel as if I don't write something down that I am supposed to do, that I will forget about it. Like Tylers lunch to take to a field trip on Wednesday. I was so busy getting a snack made for 20 kids, that I forgot my own kids lunch sitting in the refridgerator. Of course Brian did not see it in there either, so the pressure is on me to remember everyone's lunch. I just don't understand how some people can do it all and thensome. I took off today and tomorrow and had a somewhat busy schedule today. Tomorrow I have more that I have volunteered for and I hope in the midst of trying to get all that squeezed into one day that I do not forget something. Then when Monday comes along it will feel like I never had a day (days) off! I bought a book today at Walmart (the store that takes my paycheck every two weeks) that looks like it may be helpful on organizing myself. We'll see if it works.
Cute, Terri! I didn't know you had started a blog. I'm glad! I hope you're able to find time to blog. I like reading what others have to say.
8:31 AM
By the way, I don't think that's a silverfish. Dan & I both think we know what those look like, & these are a little different, but Dan says it may be hard to tell in the picture. Dad L. also said he thought it was a silverfish. Silverfish are kinda small, aren't they? The picture on my blog shows it at about actual size, sometimes they're bigger.
9:23 AM
Welcome to the world of blogs :) Glad to see that you started a blog. I'm hooked!
10:11 PM
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