Saturday, November 18, 2006

Hannah's newspaper debut

If you read my previous post I talked abt the picture of little Hannah in the newspaper contest were her picture is titled as "Static Electricity". I am going to try to put that link on here, but I am not too literate in that linking and picture posting stuff so here it goes...

Well, I tried to put the entire site link on here, but I'm not sure how to do it. If you click on the link above though it will take you to it so you can vote for your favorite! Thanks

OOOH! It worked putting the picture on!!!


Why do we (me)cry at the silliest things?

I had an interesting night last night. Let me fill you in on the details. A few weeks ago I sent Hannah's picture into the local paper "The Roanoke Times". They have a section in the New River Valley Current section called "Your Best Shot". They will publish pictures that are different, funny, whatever. Well, last Thursday, my husband Brian called me from Reed Lumber, where he works, and said "Guess who's picture is in the paper?" He said one of the other guys saw her picture and said "Hey isn't that Hannah?" Well, sure enough it was. Being the proud parent that I am of my little Hannah, I emailed everyone there in my office to save me their papers so I could laminate them and send them to family members. Brian even took one to work and posted it up near his counter. To continue this story I thought was over, last night I went online and was on that same papers website looking for yard sale ads. When it pulled up there was an article called "Whose photo is the best? You Pick." They selected their faves from the "your best shot" feature that appeared this year in the New River Current. They are asking that the readers choose their favorite out of 30 selected, and the list of the top 10 will run in the Dec 31 paper. Well, I had known abt this and thought I saw all the ones in the contest. As I scrolled down to look at them all.....there was little Hannah's picture!!!! I shrieked to Brian, "her picture is in that contest for the top 10!!!!!!!" The as we both stared at this same picture I took at Hand in Hand Park in Blacksburg, Va weeks ago, I started to get teary eyed. I guess it might of been a combination of pride and happiness. I automatically thought, "wow, we do have good luck every once in awhile" I should have been thanking the Lord for this happy moment, since lately, they come few and far between. Times like this make me realize I need to pray more, be thankful for what I DO have. I think I take for granted that there are people who are alot worse off than I will ever be. Such example would be from one of my ventures from today. I had gotten this flyer abt a Christmas Store in C'burg. I think what it was was one of those places for people who are on a lower income and can come sign up there to get toys and clothing for their families. You had to bring proof of income and address etc. Well, I got there and it was packed. Driving around the parking lot and seeing the people coming in and out made me feel funny. Like I did not belong there. There were people there who looked like they had not taken showers in days, not groomed themselves. As Hannah and I walked in there were these same kind of people waiting in line. The lady said I needed to fill out this form in another room and then see the guy in the green shirt. As I was muddling through all these people I felt as if I went through with this I would be taking toys from these people. I felt like I was overdressed. These other people needed this more than I did. I put the clipboard back on the ladies desk and headed to the door. I felt guilty, even though I didn't do anything! That moment I felt greatful for what I had. So my goal from now on is to not be jealous of what other people have, but to be thankful for what I have...a roof over my head, a wonderful loving husband, two beautiful, healthy children, a good job, and a wonderful church family.

We should thank God in anticipation of His answering our prayers (Phil. 4:6), knowing that His answers will always be in accord with His perfect will for our lives (Rom. 8:28-29)

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Here are some pictures of the "Princess" at preschool having their"Pumpkin Day " We all gathered in our own classrooms ( Here is Hannah with her awesome teacher Mrs. Joan) and then went and had a parade of costumes outside. We went around the neighborhood and I am surpised some of those three year olds were alble to go that far and not one complained. Maybe it was because they knew when they got back to preschool they were going to play games and snacks. Ya think? Hannah and Alyssa stuck together most of the time and they looked so cute together! She had a great time and was a good girl the entire time. I told Brian, I don't remember telling her not to do this or that or yell at
her the entire time we were at preschool! So this is how the well behaved side lives!!!!
Just kidding. She is really good when her and Tyler are not together and
feeding off each other misbehaving...but that's another blog!
Happy Halloween everyone!!!

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Here is another picture of just a handful of the trick or treaters. Posted by Picasa

Twick or Tweat

Here is the "Princess" and the "Bloodyman" getting ready to go on the
annual "Eaglebrook Hayride" put together by some good friends the Weavers. These two little ones very much enjoyed themselves and did
not hurt themselves too seriously that evening. (I think Hannah fell 3 times on her butt and Tyler 2 times) The Weavers have been the head of organizing this every year and we all have a great time thanks to them. We all met @ 5-5:30 and pulled out to find at the end we could no longer carry our own candy bags because they were so heavy and overloaded with candy!! We traveled the entire development of Eaglebrook in Christiansburg making stops here and there at those houses that participated. Some we had to walk all the way up to these gorgeous houses and others nicely had a container of candy at the end of their long driveways. Towards the end of our venture we made a pit stop at the Weaver's house for some ghoulish punch and scary snacks given out by an out of the ordinary sweet witch. They had their carport all decked out in scary groans and hideous spiders falling from the rafters, hands coming out of candy bowls and an odd broom that moved on it's own. As we gathered our heavy candy bags and climbed back onto our haywagons we waved goodbye and said Happy Halloween to the sweet witch and her husband and assumed the "sit down til we stop" position. The last stop was a "this is the last of it, take what you want" and the kids did! With such an assortment for costumes, princess's, bloodymans, Elvis, witches, Mulan, Pippy Longstocking (me), a pirate, Dorothy from the Wizard Of Oz, a devil girl, a joker, and several scary masked ghouls, we all had a great time and want to thank the Weaver's, the Sheltons, Neal, (the man who drove our truck/haywagon), Tay Taylor, and everyone else who helped mine and all the other kids (and adults) have a wonderful time ....."THANK YOU"!!!! Posted by Picasa